Howie Mandel Gets Booed For Rejecting An Amazing 'America's Got Talent' Contestant
Photo By NBC

Howie Mandel Gets Booed For Rejecting An Amazing 'America's Got Talent' Contestant

Here we are, back at it again with America's Got Talent. I'll forego my usual frills and get right to it: Reyna Roberts had an audition on America's Got Talent, and we have a lot of ground to cover within a specific word count. Let's dance.

Necessary Context(TM): Reyna Roberts isn't exactly an "unknown." Roberts collaborated with Beyoncé on the latter's country album, Cowboy Carter. She can be heard in "Blackbiird" and "Tyrant"! Roberts released an album of her own, Bad Girl Bible, Vol. 1, in 2023. She even has a few prominent singles under her belt.

And now that you're caught up on that front, we can pivot to the elephant in the room. Mr. Howie Mandel.

From here, the story's pretty simple. Roberts tore the house down with her original song, "Raised Right." Everyone loved her. Even notorious critic, Simon Cowell, loved Roberts' performance! Mandel, on the other hand, had a different opinion.

"That original didn't ring to me, but it's all very subjective. It didn't hook me."

The audience, rightfully, jeered this charlatan! Go back to Deal or No Deal, jerk!

Howie Mandel Rejects Country Singer Reyna Roberts On 'America's Got Talent'

The live audience wasn't the only group who thought Mandel had been huffing glue to deny such a talent. The top comment on that video says it all, really. "What is Howie smoking?!? She's a star! Her future is so bright! I'm excited for her!"

Turns out when you team up with the likes of Beyoncé, people might recognize you! Who would've thought? Mandel is entitled to his opinion, obviously. Is it wrong? Yes. But he's entitled to it all the same! Besides, over on X (formerly Twitter), it would seem that some people don't disagree with his lack of enthusiasm.

I didn't say the detractors were sensible. This is... a comment, to be sure. "You're just cherry-picking the most insane people to strengthen your point!" Okay, okay. Fine, let me try to find a more coherent critic.

"Anyone else notice her boots kept coming down and up in the whole performance. How???" ...Huh. I mean, they probably had to do some editing magic during the show, but I don't think that immediately means Roberts' song was any less incredible!

Or maybe the America's Got Talent rabbit hole goes deeper than we think. Conspiracy? We'll have to see!