Iconic Rock Star Explains Why He Canceled His Entire Tour
Kevin D Jeffrey/Shutterstock

Iconic Rock Star Explains Why He Canceled His Entire Tour

Iconic rock star Neil Young is speaking out about his decision to cancel his 2024 tour. Young explained that he "hit a wall" when it came to playing.

The iconic rock star explained during a livestream with fans why he had to step back from performing.

"I just woke up one morning on the bus and I said, 'I can't do this, I gotta stop.' And it was like, I felt sick when I thought of going on stage," the singer-songwriter admitted. "My body was telling me, 'You gotta stop.' So I listened to my body."

Young confessed that there was a lot to figure out after he made the decision. The iconic rock star had to deal with refunds and legal matters.

"Then it gets into all the legal matters. 'You got this, you got that, people bought tickets, they did this, they did that.' I understand that, but what matters to me is the art of playing, and the music," Young said. "That's what matters. That's what people loved. That's what they loved to come and see. But if that's not there, me going isn't happening. My body told me to not do it."

Neil Young Explains His Reasoning

Now, that he's stepped away, Young confessed that he feels like he could perform again. However, he said that not all of his bandmates were ready. He said he the band will be back. He said, "Crazy Horse will be back, God willing, and we'll play more. But in the meantime, I have a lot of friends that I play with."