Instagram Model Turned Tennessee Titans Exec Arrested in Nashville
(Image Via Instagram @marykatewichalonis)

Instagram Model Turned Tennessee Titans Exec Arrested in Nashville

How does someone go from an Instagram model to a sales executive for the Tennessee Titans?! I guess, in a sense, good looks is its own form of sales and marketing. Regardless, it's looking like Mary-Kate Wichalonis might be out of her cozy office job after recently acquiring the position.

It appears as though Wichalonis parties really hard. In a recent report, the police arrest the model for public intoxication. Additionally, they mark her down for assault as well. What in the world did she do to rack up these charges?

Why Did Police Arrest Model Mary-Kate Wichalonis?

The 23-year old model is going around beating on security guards for doing their jobs. Apparently, you drink booze the way she does, courage goes up tenfold. Noah Williams details to officers the altercation that went down between Mary-Kate and himself. Wichalonis attempts to sneak her boyfriend into Whiskey Row, a popular bar in Nashville, Tennessee.

Naturally, security removes her from the building. At least, they try to, anyway. Williams adds that when they try to escort Mary-Kate out of the bar, The model starts to get aggressive. She gets 6 strikes in on Noah's head before other security guards finish the job.

One of the other guards corroborates Noah's story. Then, the cops try to wrangle in Wichalonis for her side of the tale. They notice immediately that the model is flat out wasted. She's insanely impaired at this time and reeks of booze. If nothing else, they could probably try her for public intoxication at the time. However, they try and talk it out with her anyway.

Mary-Kate tries to cobble her story together. She says she only sneaks in her boyfriend because he lost his ID somewhere. Regardless, that wasn't going to stop them from having a good time. Ultimately, she refuses to give up her fingerprints to the officers so they take the model into custody. Here's to hoping the Titans are understanding enough to let her keep the job she just got.