Intense Footage Shows Power Transformer Exploding Due To Hurricane Helene
Photo By X/@JeffTDwyer

Intense Footage Shows Power Transformer Exploding Due To Hurricane Helene

Over in St. Petersburg, Florida, Hurricane Helene has torn through the region. While in Florida, Helene was a Category 4 storm before eventually calming to the level of tropical storm (as of this writing). Per CBS, Florida suffered terrible tragedies in the devastation of the storm. "Gov. Ron DeSantis also told reporters that at least one person was killed in the Tampa area when a traffic sign fell on a vehicle, and Tampa police confirmed a woman in her late 70s was found dead in her home after water made it into the residence. Another person died in Dixie County when a tree fell on a home," the outlet reports.

One of the biggest concerns during a hurricane is the potential of live wires in the water. In St. Petersburg, a transformer appears to have exploded. A video online shows the transformer going up as someone records it.

"Hope you are safe! I live in this complex and decided to evacuate, just in case. Can you tell me if the building still has power and are the first floor units affected by any flooding, from what you can see?" one concerned X (formerly known as Twitter) user says. Many people are checking in, assessing damage as it may arise.

Hurricane Helene Causes A Power Transformer To Explode

"It's just [a user] going maximum hurricane, don't worry (this is a joke, please take all precautions for your safety, i'm trying to make light in a bad situation)," another user joked. It's a good tactic -- using humor to try and lessen the tragedy of a natural disaster. That's the nature of the internet!

"Not a transformer, but powerlines arcing. Transformers rarely ever blow up. It's just an urban myth spread by those who are electrically illiterate," another user attempts to clarify. As someone who's certainly "electrically illiterate," I can't speak to the legitimacy of the comment. But, it's a perspective that's needed to further meaningful conclusions otherwise!

"Yep, big one. Same thing happened when Irma came through. Main went BOOM, everything went an x-ray green and sorta froze for a sec, was strange. I hit the ground, brain said bomb, it was LOUD and that glow... World went pitch black, I've never seen so many stars, truly stunning," a user shares.