Jelly Roll's Wife Bunnie XO Gets A Bit Too Personal About Their Intimate Life
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Jelly Roll's Wife Bunnie XO Gets A Bit Too Personal About Their Intimate Life In The Bedroom

Jelly Roll's wife Bunnie XO is getting a bit too personal about their intimate life. The celeb recently opened up about what they get up to in the bedroom. And that's not necessarily something fans want to know.

I don't know. Maybe, I'm in the minority here, but keep your personal business to yourself. During the latest episode of her Dumb Blonde podcast posted Tuesday (July 9), Bunnie XO opened up about how they get down and dirty. Apparently, it's more tamed than you would think.

"My husband is so vanilla," she said "He doesn't like any of that s-t. He is like, 'Just ride me and get off.'"

However, she said they don't have much energy these days. "We're so busy," she continued. "The last thing we ever think about is sex — I mean, I think about it all the time and I'm sure he does too — but we are just so busy and so tired. We love crawling into bed and just watching a TV show together. That's like foreplay to us."

Both Bunnie XO and Jelly Roll are planning to have a baby together through vitro fertilization.  "I'm in my baby mama gardening era," she said. "Anyone who has struggled with infertility, all you really want is people rooting you on."

She also detailed her husband's issues with his own body and image. "He's such a cute little squishy baby," Bunnie said of Jelly. "I just feel like, because he is in front of such a huge audience critiquing him all the time, he always feels like he has to hide behind jackets and flannels. I'm like, 'Baby, you don't gotta do that. Just be the little squish that you are.'"

Jelly Roll's Wife Goes Off

Bunnie XO's comments come after she went off on an internet troll.  The comment reads, "To each their own, I would think carrying the child is so much more of the natural experience of motherhood. It doesn't effect you mentally as much as you might think for most woman, anyway, but yes it will effect that perfect body of yours but not if you take care of yourself really well. No matter the journey you chose, it's yours and wishing you the best."

She explained, "This is so gross. You guys think I don't want to carry because of my body lol," Bunnie scoffs. "When in actuality I'm scared to because I've had two ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages AND at my age, I do not want to go thru that again nor do we have time for me to do that because our life is happening so fast