John-Paul Miller Opens Up About Controversy After Wife Mica's Passing 'I Want Justice'
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John-Paul Miller Opens Up About Controversy After Wife Mica's Passing: 'I Want Justice'

John-Paul Miller joined YouTuber, JustinOnTikTok, on the latter's livestream to discuss the myriad of controversies surrounding the death of his wife, Mica Miller. When Miller eventually appeared, the first person to come up was Robbie Harvey, who had been on Miller's bad side amid Mica Miller's passing.

The host, Justin, asks if he can throw out some questions. John-Paul replies, "I want to answer everything, but I don't want to answer without me holding up my proof and showing it to you. I think it's ignorant for someone to give their opinion or say something and not have proof behind it when it's something as serious as this." (The whole video can be seen below. When you click in, it'll take you right to John-Paul's arrival.)

John-Paul says he plans to reveal his proof and the affidavit next week. Soon, Justin and John-Paul get back to the subject of Mica. "I do want justice for Mica, and I'm gonna help bring that," John-Paul says.

Justin brings up a necklace John-Paul allegedly wore in an interview after Mica passed away. John-Paul confirms the necklace belonged to Mica, given to him by a nurse after Mica's death. "I wanted to feel close to her, so I wore it," John-Paul states.

John-Paul Speaks About The Controversies Surrounding The Death Of His Wife, Mica Miller

Someone in the live chat asks why John-Paul had Mica cremated. "Because that's what she wanted," John-Paul responded. "We don't believe that the body matters as believers."

When prompted if he had anything he wanted to add, John-Paul continued. "You can love somebody and be separated. ... It doesn't stop your love of the person."

Justin brought up the reports Mica filed against John-Paul, as well as the reports John-Paul filed against Mica. "On a police report, you can lie and say anything you want to say. A lot of people take police reports as fact. People can actually lie in affidavits. You can write anything you want and it doesn't matter," John-Paul states.

He then says he asked for an autopsy for Mica, saying he was brushed off and told "there's no need." John-Paul explains a toxicology report was ordered, and he'll have the results -- but it could take months.

The tracking device John-Paul was alleged to have put on Mica's car came up. "I didn't put a tracking device [there], the private eye did." He then alludes to having a lot to reveal next week regarding "why Mica passed away and who's responsible for it."

"I did every single thing a human being could do and far more to try to keep her alive, safe, and healthy." John-Paul also says when he tried to warn people about Mica, nobody believed him.

"I showed them proof that her doctor said she was suicidal and nobody believed me. I went to judges, doctors, friends, and her family. Some of those people, I went to dozens of times."

As of now, that's all the pertinent information regarding John-Paul addressing Mica's passing. We'll keep our Wide Open Country readership apprised of any changes or updates as they emerge.