Joshua Ray Walker Shares GoFundMe After Cancer Has Spread
(Photo by Erika Goldring/FilmMagic)

Joshua Ray Walker Reveals Cancer Has Spread, Shares GoFundMe

Joshua Ray Walker's cancer journey takes a turn for the worse. Towards the end of last year, he announces his bout with colon cancer. Moreover, he would spend much of this year staying home, undergoing surgery and chemotherapy. Thankfully, Walker's been able to perform some local shows in his hometown to stay fresh in the concert format. Unfortunately, some bad news arises. Now, he's asking for everyone's help.

Recently, Joshua shares an update regarding his cancer. Sadly, he reaches a setback and launches a GoFundMe to help grapple with the costs. "Hey y'all! Once again, I've got some good and bad news to deliver. The good news is that I've finished chemo treatment! It was extremely tough, and I want to thank y'all so much for supporting me through this experience," Walker writes on Instagram. "My body handled it reasonably well, and I've begun to rebuild my strength and immune system! The bad news is that upon the completion of tests to check on the status of my cancer post treatment, multiple nodes of varying sizes were found in both my lungs."

Joshua Ray Walker's Cancer Spreads and Needs Help

Currently, Joshua looks to get information on how to beat the issue in his lungs. This causes Walker to do something he always struggles with: asking for help. "When times are hard my instinct is to figure out how to survive financially. I work harder to ensure that me and my loved ones will have basic necessities. This trait has been very useful in life, but it makes it hard to rest when life's difficulties aren't solely monetary," Joshua continues. "I have a hard time asking for help, even when I believe it will be given happily. I'm launching a GoFundMe that will allow me to focus exclusively on my health and relationships during this precious time. I thank everyone so much in advance for their continued love and support."

As it stands, Joshua Ray Walker sits at $6,405 out of their $300k goal. This leaves plenty of room for fans to donate as he tries to battle against the odds. His GoFundMe link is here.