Justin Moore (Debby Wong / Shutterstock)

Justin Moore Calls Out Fake Country Music Singers in New Song

Singer Justin Moore has taken it upon himself to call out what he believes is the shabby phenomenon of putting faux country music out there just to hop on its super-popular bandwagon. In case you missed his message, he conveys it in a new song, "Put A Boot In It."

Moore doesn't mince words, or in this case, lyrics. His distaste for those who say they're country even if they can't find Nashville on a map is ultra clear.

What Does Justin Moore's New Song Say?

He's Fed Up With Phonies

According to whiskeyriff.com, Moore really comes out swingin' and I don't mean on the dance floor. He's mad and it shows. The barbed words of "Put A Boot In It" read in part as follows:

"We can see your BS from a red dirt mile away
You ain't foolin' no one with your Realtree or your slang
Talkin' like you're one of us, but you're more country club
I'm about to take your country club
And put a boot in it"

In his opinion, the ersatz country music crowd isn't anywhere near as clever as they think. At least not to him. Their slick attempt to be what they aren't does a disservice to those who produce authentic country music.

It's Not The First Time That Justin Moore Crafted Music With A Message

He Paid Tribute to Those Who Made The Ultimate Sacrifice for America

Moore's song "The Ones That Didn't Make It Back Home" is personal for him. According to The Boot, he would often say the words of the title during his concerts, so he finally decided to commemorate them in a song of their own. Joining creative forces with a trio of songwriters, Moore came up with the tune.

Justin Moore's Granddad, A Veteran, Loved "The Ones That Didn't Make It Back Home"

Moore's two grandfathers wore the uniform of this nation; the surviving one "loved it," Moore said. His missus and their kids gave it their enthusiastic stamp of approval as well. The song's homespun imagery and reverent emotion come across clearly:

"Here's to the ones that didn't make it back homeThe ones we ain't seen in so longThe hold up a beer ones, the wish they were here onesThe not forgotten but goneThey're in a better place up thereBut they sure left a hole down hereWe just go on livin' and go on missin' the onesThe ones that didn't make it back home..."