Kenny Chesney Once Got Super Nerdy To Impress Girls
(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Kenny Chesney Once Got Super Nerdy To Impress Girls

Sometimes, the ladies will fall for some crazy moves from a guy. Usually, a plain ol' flirt, some charm would do just fine. Maybe you even bust out one of your hidden talents for someone you want. You never know what's going to work. There's quite a bit of luck involved. I'll say, Kenny Chesney used a weird angle to pick up girls back in the day.

Kenny speaks on Kelly Clarkson's talk show and reveals the incredibly geeky strategy to get a girl's attention. "Well I used to try to impress girls by quoting different formulas, like mathematical formulas," he admits. "And sometimes it worked and sometimes they looked at me like I was crazy."

I am dying to know who this works on. Sure, big brains can be attractive. But who is out there swooning off of Kenny Chesney types reciting math equations at them?

Kenny Chesney Picks Math Over Country?!

However, it doesn't stop there. The producers bring up the quadratic equation behind him and sees if Chesney is merely joking. He's got to be joking, right? Spoiler: he is definitely not. It takes Kenny a minute to dig into the depths of his mind to recover and showcase old formulas. Eventually, he shakes off the rust and nails the exact lettering and format of the quadratic equation.

The crowd roars in applause and Kelly Clarkson's jaw drops in shock. I mean, what kind of person has that information on hand unless you're actively learning it? Afterwards, Kelly asks the big question. How often did he win with the ladies by doing this? Unfortunately, Kenny does confess it wasn't that useful in picking up chicks. When asked if it landed him many dates, he dryly smiles, "Not many." "A few, but not as many dates as my guitar did."

Somebody out there has to test if Chesney's theory works. I might have to bust out the quadratic equation at the bar.