Lainey Wilson Opens Up About Rejection That Defined Early Career
Photo by Brett Carlsen/Getty Images for ACM

Lainey Wilson Opens Up About Rejection That Defined Early Career: "Made Me Want It That Much More"

Lainey Wilson is having a moment. She's starring in a Hulu special and just won ACM Entertainer of The Year. However, she's also dealt with a lot of rejection getting started as well.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Wilson opened up about the closed doors that defined her early career.

"I think a lot of the rejection really just kind of made me want it that much more. I am hardheaded. I really am, and if you could sit down and talk to my parents, you would realize why I am the way that I am," Wilson said. "Both of them, when they have their mind made up, that's it. And I've had my mind made up from the very beginning that I was going to do this."

However, Wilson refused to stop and kept pushing for her dream.

"I didn't know what it was going to look like, but I truly do think that that rejection and the time that it has taken me to get to this point, because, I mean, this year it'll be 13 years that I've been in Nashville doing it," Wilson told Fox News Digital.

Lainey Wilson Dealt With Rejection

"I think it's really just a part of my story. And I think the Lord kind of wanted me to live a little bit more life so I could have more stories to tell, so I could relate to more people," she added. "That's what it's about when you kind of zoom out and you think about all of this. It's important to remember and realize, why are we doing this? And what are we doing this for?

Wilson let rejection fuel her stories. She continued forward! She said, "It's just because we all want to feel something. And, I think, because of that rejection, I think people can relate to some of my stories." Wilson learned from her parents to never give up and keep pushing for her dreams.

"So, that meant that they got up, and they did it again. And they'd fall down, and they'd do it again. They just had no other option. And my daddy has always tried to remind me that he worked really hard, but he's not just working hard for himself. He's working hard for me and my sister and my mama and my sister's kids and, one day, my kids."

She ultimately made Nashville her home and kept pushing forward until she made it.