Man on bar roof in Texas (Image via X)

Man Attempts To Box Four Police Officers On Rodeo Fort Worth Sign In Viral Video

Police have to deal with all kinds of strange occurrences and people. Sometimes, these incidents pose danger to them and to the public. Other times, its just someone acting up a bit too much. For example, one bizarre incident that happened on October 1 involved a shirtless man. He was wearing shorts and a baseball-type cap and he was standing on top of the sign of a bar in Fort Worth, Texas.

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He appeared to make some half-hearted boxing moves toward four police officers who were right up there on the sign a few feet from him. As he continued moving toward them, they all backed up in unison, away from him. The situation was captured on a video that was posted on X.

You can hear the crowd below shouting and getting caught up in the weird action taking place over their heads. Bet they never thought they would see something like this when they went for a night out on the town!

The Man Was Described Online As 'A Crazy Shirtless Man'

It's Unclear If He Was Under The Influence At The Time

Per Whiskey Riff, "Last night in Fort Worth, cops were called in because there was a crazy shirtless man on the roof of Rodeo Fort Worth, a bar located on Bledsoe Street." The writer observed that he had never seen officers back off like that "when someone is challenging them."

The writer further speculates that the man "must have had one crazed look in his eyes...." for the officers to back away like they did, with the man steadily advancing toward them. It was a dicey predicament for everyone involved.

Police Were Criticized For Their Reaction

This writer also added a critical remark about how the police handled it, at least as far as we can see on the video. He wrote, "I mean, I get we don't want this guy to fall off the roof and hit his head but come on guys, it's not a good look when a scrawny guy is making you run away like a rabbit from a bobcat..."

The video may not have shown the entire incident from start to finish. Did the officers eventually get the man to come down peacefully? Did they employ other tactics to deal with him? Were they just de-escalating the situation? All that is unclear.

There Were All Kinds Of Comments On X

People's Reactions Were Varied

Wrote one commenter, "Is this a skit?"

Posted another, "Pepper spray don't work?"

And there was this: "lol bro weighs like 140 lbs. throw him off the roof."

Also this one: "They [the police] are scared to engage knowing that if he falls off that roof for any reason their local court system and politicians will not support them."