Man Goes Insane On An American Airlines Flight Propositions Flight Attendant For Sex
Photo By Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Man Goes Insane On An American Airlines Flight — Propositions Flight Attendant For Sex

It's early in the day for it, but let's dive into some insanity. On an American Airlines flight, one unhinged Eric Nicholas Gapco was the star of the skies. Per KSLTV, Gapco's unpredictable actions caused the flight to divert to Salt Lake City. A federal grand jury indictment was filed against Gapco for a string of misdeeds. A written statement from the US Attorney's Office for the District of Utah would offer further details.

"As alleged in the complaint and detention memo, Gapco failed to follow instructions to remain in his seat, propositioned a flight attendant for sex, was repeatedly loud, vaped, bothered other passengers, locked himself in the lavatory, and attempted to open the aircraft exterior doors multiple times while the aircraft was in flight."

Gapco was also in the bathroom, screaming things such as "I am sane!" and "I do not want to hurt myself!" Eventually, after some effort, passengers and the flight crew united to stop Gapco's reign of terror. They tied up Gapco's hands and feet, wrangling him at last. When the plane lands in Utah, police show up to detain Gapco, who yells, "I have clots in my legs, I need hospitalization. I need to go to a hospital!"

Gapco has been charged with interference with a flight crew. He's also facing attempted damage to an aircraft in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States.

An American Airlines Flight Is Diverted Due To One Insane Man

So, dear reader, I'm sure you're asking yourself one crucial question. "Well, what the heck was wrong with this guy?" Well, per the New York Post, Gapco admitted to chowing down on 10 marijuana edibles before his reign of terror started. According to court documentation, Gapco didn't realize how strong the edibles would be. Allegedly, he also tried to hand another passenger a bag of "unidentified pills" during his rampage.

Even if the alleged edibles weren't "strong," I would think eating 10 of them probably turns you into a demon. Which, in this case, they absolutely did. In some way, I feel for the poor guy. He wanted to have a good time on a flight. ...If we tighten our focus to just his experience, you could say he had a great time! But, harassment and endangerment of those around you are to be taken seriously -- edibles or not!