McDonald's Worker Fed Up With Job, Lights Restaurant on Fire
(Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images)

McDonald's Worker Fed Up With Job, Lights Restaurant on Fire

Sometimes, you get real sick of your job. Anyone who has ever worked hard in their life knows the frustration of how annoying and tedious it can all be firsthand. Moreover, if you're in the people business of fast food or retail, the aggravation doubles. Everyone feels especially entitled rather than empathetic for the hundreds of people they serve a day. However, this McDonald's worker takes his anger to the next level.

Recently, McDonald's employee Joshua Daryl McGregor works per usual at a local restaurant in Savannah, Georgia. Apparently, one Sunday shift sees the restaurant so busy, it breaks his brain a little bit. The constant dinging, the incessant requests, it overwhelms McGregor very quickly. How do you get them all to stop? Instead of doing something normal like quitting, he ensures no one goes to that McDonald's ever again.

McDonald's Gets So Busy, Worker Sets the Restaurant Ablaze

Joshua walks outside with a piece of cardboard. He lights it on fire and chucks it in the dumpster. Surely, that should buy him a break for a little while. However, what he doesn't know is that the dumpster is loaded with flammable material. Consequently, the fire grows out of control while he films the results. Then, customers quickly scramble from the McDonald's drive thru and restaurant without ordering. In a sense, McGregor gets what he wants this way. Conversely, he also creates evidence showing that he's the man behind the crime.

The local McDonald's briefly shuts down as authorities take care of the fire. CCTV footage catches Joshua in the act and police charge the employee with arson. He ultimately pleads guilty and the judge sentences him to 5 years in prison for the ordeal. I don't know why he doesn't just quit like most normal people would do in that situation. I guess, that's his way of sticking it to the man. Now he's in prison over it.