South Carolina Pastor John-Paul Miller Implies Wife Died By Suicide But Family Isn't Convinced
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Mica Miller's Father Blames South Carolina Pastor John-Paul Miller For Her Death: "Pushed To The Brink"

Mica Miller may have died by her own hand, but it's clear that her family his holding her husband and pastor John-Paul Miller responsible. In a new interview, her father blamed John-Paul for Mica's death.

Speaking with NewsNation, Michael Francis believes that John-Paul may have pushed his daughter Mica over the edge. "I know she was pushed to the brink. ... My theory is broad right now. There are bruises on her hand and injuries. These things are not documented, and they don't show up for no reason. We just want more answers," Francis said. "As soon as they got married, her behavior went downhill fast. She seemed to be more sad, more under control. I believe he compressed her. He just sucked the life right out of her and caused her to go downhill."

John-Paul allegedly admitted to putting trackers on her car and also to posting an inappropriate photo of her online. "I even hired PI to put trackers on her car to know if she was going to a gun store," John-Paul told NewsNation. "I have never once in my entire life ever hurt her in any way. Ever."

Meanwhile, he tried to apologize to Mica, prior to her death in an email. "I'm sorry for putting a picture of you on the internet," reads the apology email. "It was for less than one hour and immediately taken down. I was hurt that you are telling everyone horrible intimate details of my past sin, and I just wanted to try and hurt you. Please forgive me. It was evil of me to do that."

Mica Miller's Family Alleges Abuse

Meanwhile, Mica Miller's sister and her attorney Regina Ward accused John-Paul of brainwashing their sister. They also offered clarity on Mica's grooming allegation. "If I had to assume, I would guess that she probably meant [the year] 2010 and not 10 [years old]," Francis told NewsNation. "She has consistently said since 14 years old. I have never heard her ever say 10 years old. That's not even possible, we weren't even in South Carolina."

Meanwhile, the family's attorney also claims abuse.

"This man, in my opinion and based on the documents, my conversations with Mica whenever she was alive, tell me that she was brainwashed by this man," Ward told NewsNation. "He abused her in every possible way that there is. Financially, he abused her, but taking away things, phones, access to money, took away her car, those types of things to try to gain control of her. Every time she tried to leave him, he would harass and stalk her to the point she just felt like she had to give up and go back."