Mother Of Georgia School Shooter Colt Gray Tried To Warn School After Receiving Chilling Text From Son
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Mother Of Georgia School Shooter Colt Gray Tried To Warn School After Receiving Chilling Text From Son

The mother of accused Georgia school shooter Colt Gray reportedly tried to warn the school about the impending shooting. Colt reportedly sent his mother a chilling text before shooting up the school. Four people died, and multiple suffered injuries.

Speaking via The New York Post, Colt's grandfather Charles Polhamus says Colt's mother Marcee was visiting with him. That's when her son texted her last Wednesday.

"I'm sorry, Mom," the message read. After receiving the text, Colt's mother tried to call Apalachee High School and warn them. She told the counselor it was an extreme emergency.

"I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school. I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him," she told her sister, according to the outlet. School officials tried to find and locate her son, but it was too late.

He had already left his classroom.

Colt Gray's Mom Tried To Warn School

She also hopped in her car and frantically headed to Winder. Unfortunately, it was a three hour drive. She only made it about halfway when the shooting happened.

"It's horrible. It's absolutely horrible," Marcee also said.

Colt's grandfather also condemned the boy's father as the cause of the shooting. Colin Gray is facing up to 180 years in prison for supplying his son with an AR-15.

"Collie Gray did this to his family and he will rot in hell for it. That's a fact," he said. "He needs the death penalty. He is probably one of the worst narcissists in the world. [Colt] was a good kid turned bad in a bad situation. It's sad. An environment that a kid grows up in has everything to do with their personality and what they become."

His grandfather also took the opportunity to call out reports about his daughter's past troubles with the law. He called reports of abuse and neglect untrue. However, Marcee does have a long criminal record.

"Zero on Marcee. Marcee never did anything to Colt. All she did is help him out," he said. "Colt didn't cause that to happen. He did it. He didn't wake up one day and decide I'm going to kill [four] people. No, he didn't do that. He came out of an environment."

He also said Colin is getting what he deserves.

"Vengeance is mine, say the lord," he said. "He's getting what he deserves. My grandson is getting what he deserves, too."