Photo Shows Clearest Look At Donald Trump's Known Injuries After Assasination Attempt
(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Photo Shows Clearest Look At Donald Trump's Known Injuries After Assasination Attempt

An unknown source attempts to assassinate former United States president Donald Trump at a recent campaign rally. As he addresses the crowd, dim shots fire off in the background, causing the crowd to duck in a crazed panic. Moreover, Donald grasps at his ear, clearly dictating that impact reached the presidential candidate.

An account labeled 'The Spectator Index' spotlights one of the first visuals we have of the incident. Here's the clearest photo yet as to the extent of Trump's injuries from the assassination attempt.

Someone Attempts to Shoot Donald Trump at Recent Rally

Glancing at the picture, it's evident that the shooter grazes Donald Trump on the side of the head and on the ear. The top of his ear soaks in blood. Moreover, this clearly outlines where the shooter makes his impact on Donald. Additionally, blood splatters on his cheek, nearing his mouth and nose.

Secret Service embraces Donald, desperately trying to cover him for safety. However, it's abundantly clear that adrenaline is rushing through Trump's body as he acknowledges his many supporters. He sticks up his arm and balls up a fist. Clearly, he's trying to convey a symbol of strength and let the crowd know he's seemingly okay. On the other hand, he could also signal a sign of strength to the shooter who tries to take him out. The motive behind Donald's actions is not entirely clear yet.

Donald Trump speaks out about the incident via his spokesperson Steven Cheung. "President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act," he says. "He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility. More details will follow."

It's uncertain at this moment who is behind this plot to kill the presidential candidate on his campaign trail.