Reba McEntire Channels Your Favorite Villain As She Watches Wynonna Judd And Bunnie XO Hug
Photo By Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Reba McEntire Channels Your Favorite Villain As She Watches Wynonna Judd And Bunnie XO Hug

Disclaimer: the following article isn't intended to be a dig at Queen Reba McEntire. It's all jokes, it's all fun. Now, we can't necessarily control our faces during certain moments. Sometimes, you make a weird face and it accidentally transforms an otherwise ordinary embrace into something otherworldly. This is the case for Reba McEntire watching Wynonna Judd and Bunnie XO hugging.


I adore these icons ? #bunniexo #wynonajudd #rebamcentire

? Fancy - Dave Audé Remix - Reba McEntire

Let's unpack this. First of all, whoever filmed this is the real MVP because McEntire's reveal when the two separate is perfect. I wish awards were given to "regular people" who happen to have a moment of cinematic brilliance. Secondly, the atmospheric lighting doesn't help matters. Anyone would've looked like a Sith Lord under the same circumstances!

Y'all know how I feel about the Disney Villain outfits, though. McEntire is definitely rocking the Evil Queen aesthetic in all-black. Finally, the face. McEntire looks like she's watching her long-time nemesis being flayed and she's savoring every scream and fruitless cry for help. That's the face you make when you find out your high school bully is floundering as an adult.

Okay, TikTok. It's your turn! And you better come through with the heat!

Reba McEntire Makes A Meme-Worthy Face Following An Embrace Between Bunnie XO And Wynonna Judd

"lol not me thinking Reba was a wax figure and I finally saw her finger move. Met Reba last year at CMA and she is so sweet. She signed my prosthetic leg," one TikTok user said. Okay, that's decent. I like it, I like it.

Live Update: Everything else is praise, heart emojis, and "Legends, Queens! We love y'all so much!" over and over. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but where are my haha-hehe folks?!

"Baaaahahaha haaaa haaaasaaa haaaaahahaha haaaaahahaha haaaaahahaha," someone over on Instagram said about the clip. It's more literal than I would've liked, but, yes. That counts as "haha-hehe," I guess.

You know what, I may not like X (formerly Twitter), but surely they have something I can laugh at!

Reba McEntire is, indeed, a "beautiful red," Cheryl. Thank you for that wonderful commentary. That'll do, internet. That'll do.