Red Lobster's Impending Demise Leaves People In Shambles
Photo By Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Red Lobster's Bankruptcy Leaves People In Shambles: "The Shrimp Appears To Be Not As Endless As Advertised"

Red Lobster is filing for bankruptcy. How is it possible this happened to Red Lobster before TGI Fridays?! How?! Let's get right to it: Red Lobster's not in a great spot, y'all. Sure, they'll retain their current locations and try to turn things around.

But, things are looking a bit dire for the brand. ...Wait. I'm receiving word Red Lobster was doing an "Unlimited Endless Shrimp" promotion? It cost the company $11 million dollars? ...Never mind. I think I understand why Red Lobster's suffering like this.

As you can imagine, the reactions across the internet have been all over the place. From politicians blaming each other, to astute articles as to why this happened, to good ol' social media shenanigans. Let's start with the interesting, factual tidbits and dive into the depths from there.

Genuinely, it's a wonder the restaurant chain has lasted as long as it has if you dive into the rabbit hole of what led to the bankruptcy. ...I'm no business major, but what room of executives thought serving seafood for free was a good idea?! Yeah, people paid $20 initially, but for unlimited shrimp, that "entry fee" will have you bleeding money before long!

The Bankruptcy Abyss Red Lobster Is Looking Down: The Reactions Have Been Sublime

Do what you do, internet!

No more cheddar biscuits, y'all. You'll have to go somewhere else to get your fix of delicious biscuits. If only Beyonce could've kept mentioning Red Lobster. Maybe things would've been different.

We know the shrimp debacle isn't the sole reason why Red Lobster is collapsing. ...But, admit it. It's funny to roast the company for it anyway!

...Controversial take: I never considered the seafood chain to be "middle-class." I don't want to get into all the socioeconomic nuances, but I always thought Red Lobster was for people who thought they were middle-class and went there to show off every so often. That's only my perspective, granted.

Some people are angry (we won't get into that now because I don't have the energy to tackle the stupidity on X regarding Red Lobster at the moment). Others are sad (the cheddar biscuits are trending as I type this). But to conclude this article? Let's laugh a little. Here's a snippet from a stand-up comedian talking about the likes of the seafood chain, Applebee's, Olive Garden, and the other restaurants I know came to mind when you saw those first three names.