Richard Simmons Posted To Social Media Just Hours Before His Death
Image via lev radin/Shutterstock

Richard Simmons Posted To Social Media Just Hours Before His Death

Richard Simmons has died at the age of 76. His death comes as a surprise to many, especially since he was just active on social media. He posted just hours before his reported death.

On Facebook, he wrote, "Hello gorgeous! Please don't rain on my parade." It's a sad final post considering that he passed away shortly after. It appears that Simmons' death came suddenly.

However, he previously claimed that he was dying in March. He wrote, "I have some news to tell you. Please don't be sad. I am .... dying. The truth is we all are dying. Every day we live we are getting closer to our death."

He continued, "Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to enjoy your life to the fullest every single day. Get up in the morning and look at the sky... count your blessings and enjoy."

Simmons later claimed that the opposite was true and that he didn't mean for his post to be literal. He said, "Sorry many of you have gotten upset about my message today. Even the press has gotten in touch with me," the fitness celebrity wrote on a post on X. "I am not dying."

Richard Simmons Fans Mourn

On Friday, Simmons also celebrated his birthday on social media as well. He wrote on Facebook, "Thank you...I never got so many messages about my birthday in my life! I am sitting here writing emails. Have a most beautiful rest of your Friday. Love, Richard."

In the comment section to his last post, fans of the fitness guru wrote their condolences. One wrote, "I always looked forward to your posts, and interacting with us...oh my goodness. Thank you for being you and sharing your life with us daily. Brought so much positivity."

Another wrote, "Thank you for being you. You lifted up so many hearts. Your kindness was one of a kind."

Yet another wrote, "I'm going to miss your heartwarming and uplifting posts. Thank you for sharing your light with us." Still another wrote, "I am so shattered, you helped me SO much, especially after escaping an abusive relationship. You made me feel like I had worth. You helped SO many people. There is a gigantic hole in the world."