Robin Williams’ Son Remembers Him in Heartfelt Tribute
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Robin Williams’ Son Remembers Him in Heartfelt Tribute

Robin Williams took his own life at 63 in 2014, but he is still painfully missed. Sunday would have been the comedian's 73rd birthday. To commemorate the occasion, his son, Zak, 41, posted a poignant tribute to his beloved dad. He shared it on his account on X.

How Did Zak Williams Honor His Late Father Robin Williams on His Birthday?

He Wrote a Moving Message

Zak wrote, "Dad, on what would be your 73rd birthday, I remember you for all the hope. And joy you brought to the world. There's not a week that goes by without someone sharing with me how you helped them through a dark time or a rough patch. I'm so grateful to be your son. Love you forever."

Anyone who has lost a dear parent or loved one can identify with Zak's almost palpable sense of yearning. To us, Robin was the perennial funnyman, but behind the scenes, he was obviously an adored father who can never be replaced.

This Is Just One of Many Tributes Zak Has Written for Robin Williams

Zak's X account teems with stunning photos of Robin and emotional messages to him on special days like the anniversaries of his death, Father's Day, and birthdays. Zak clearly still longs for Robin's companionship and loving presence although it has been 10 years since he died. That fierce kind of bereavement doesn't ebb, despite the passage of time.

For example, Zak posted on August 11, 2021, the seventh anniversary of Robin's death: "Dad, seven years ago today you passed on. The joy and inspiration you brought to the world carries on in your legacy and in your family, friends, and fans you so loved. You lived to bring laughter and to help others. I will be celebrating your memory today. Love you forever."

What Happened to Robin Williams?

He Was Diagnosed with Parkinson's

In May 2014, three months before he committed suicide, Robin was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, according to The Guardian. But he was also apparently suffering from a host of troubling issues such as tremors, delusions, sleeplessness, paranoia, anxiety and depression. His wife, Susan Schneider Williams, was concerned. His condition must have frightened and confounded Robin himself. He confided to someone, "I'm not me anymore."

Robin Williams Also Had Another Illness

Robin and Susan were scheduled to go to a neurocognitive testing facility to hopefully get some answers as to what was ailing him. Tragically, just one week before his appointment, Robin took his life.

When an autopsy was performed, it showed that Robin Williams had been suffering from Lewy body dementia. According to the National Institute on Aging, this sometimes hard-to-diagnose disease is "associated with abnormal deposits of a protein called alpha-synuclein in the brain. These deposits, called Lewy bodies, affect chemicals in the brain whose changes, in turn, can lead to problems with thinking, movement, behavior, and mood."

Robin's widow phrased his diagnosis with excruciating bluntness: "His brain was falling apart."

At last she had an answer...but sadly, not her Robin.

Zak Williams Has Made Mental Wellness His Mission

He Honors His Dad's Memory While Helping Others

On X, Zak Williams describes himself as a "mental health advocate." He is the co-founder and CEO of a company called PYM (Prepare Your Mind), which promotes "safe, effective, and natural solutions" that support mental health and well-being.

He uses Pym as his middle name.