Ryan Seacrest Has The Perfect Reaction To Carrie Underwood Joining 'American Idol'
Photo By Noam Galai/Getty Images

Ryan Seacrest Has The Perfect Reaction To Carrie Underwood Joining 'American Idol'

Ryan Seacrest is the soon-to-be successor of Wheel of Fortune and overall good guy extraordinaire! The icon-in-the-making is no stranger to radical changes in the status quo. So, when Carrie Underwood was announced as Katy Perry's replacement on American Idol, Seacrest honored the occasion the only way he knew how! With a heartfelt Instagram post, of course!

"It's a full-circle moment to go from announcing you as the winner of [at]americanidol 20 years ago to now welcoming you to the judge's table. Welcome home, [at]carrieunderwood!" Seacrest posted. Indeed, a sweet moment was enjoyed by both Seacrest and fans alike!

"Very excited for Carrie to be a judge. She knows exactly what those contestants are going through and it's going to bring a more personable interaction with everybody," one Instagram user enthusiastically posted. Yeah, Underwood was definitely the right choice. Further, she seems like the only appropriate choice, in hindsight!

"This is so amazing. A true full circle moment and great choice for a judge to replace Katy. Well said and can't wait until filming begins," another person stated. They even directly tagged Seacrest in the post! ...I wonder if he'll respond...

Ryan Seacrest Honors Carrie Underwood As The New 'American Idol' Host

"What a full circle moment this is! Congratulations [at]carrieunderwood!!!" You know, I'm about to say something a little mean. I wish people would do better on social media sometimes than parroting the original post. I know that's such a Curb Your Enthusiasm complaint, but I want more original content!

"Excellent. Haven't watched in yrs bc I wasn't a fan of a judge choice but will definitely be watching again!!" Excellent. I love the straightlaced start followed by the enthusiastic follow-through.

"Ready for season 8!" Oh, Ryan Seacrest actually did respond to that person a few comments back! See, this is why Seacrest is better than all of us. Any other person would just let those comments go unanswered. But Seacrest is the people's champ, and he doesn't know when to say no to anyone!

Huh. I relate to that more than I'd like to admit, actually. ...Okay, everyone go home! Stop looking at my character flaws!