Scott Stapp (dfree / Shutterstock)

Creed’s Scott Stapp Stops Show To Talk God And Politics

We live at a time of intense, vocal division in this country. People have deeply held (and often clashing) feelings and opinions along religious, political, social, economic, and gender lines. Discussions sometimes veer quickly from robust to outright hostile.

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Artists do what they can to bridge the uneasy gaps in our culture using their craft or by offering their own thoughts. That is what Brad Arnold of 3 Doors Down did recently when he paused a show to convey a heartfelt message of healing, Christian faith, and spirituality to the audience. Scott Stapp of Creed has done something similar lately. He stopped a show to talk about two crucial, lightning-rod subjects - God and politics. A video of his highly emotional speech to the throng was posted on X.

We wondered just what Scott Stapp said and how it was received. Here's more about it!

What Did Scott Stapp Say?

Scott Stapp's message apparently resonated with his audience because they roared their approval and enthusiasm. Stapp really seemed to have struck a responsive chord.

He spoke with almost evangelical zeal about unspecified, mighty "powers that be" and how they, in his opinion, "want us divided, they want us separate, they want us compartmentalized in our own little niches, in our own little groups. Thinking we're right and they're wrong and bickering. You know why? To keep us distracted from holding them accountable."

Later, Stapp repeatedly shouted, "Wake up! Wake up!"

He added, "It's divide and conquer...It's happening right here at home...Your civil rights are being violated every single minute of every single day."

Stapp Believes We Do Have Key Values In Common

He Urged People To Prioritize Those Values

Stapp passionately added, "Focus on what we have in common, which is life, freedom, love, happiness."

He offered a new formula for moving forward. "We start reminding [the powers that be] of what our Constitution says...We remind them that we are a Constitutional Republic built upon the Bible and the word of God and NOT a democracy."

Scott Stapp Left Concert Goers With Plenty To Think About

They Seemed To Respond To A Contemporary Voicing What May Be Their Own Concerns

It will be interesting to see if the trend of musicians sharing their political, social, or religious beliefs during their shows continues. We will keep you posted!