Shirtless Man Drives Onto Popular College Football Field, Nearly Strikes Bystander In Hit And Run
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Shirtless Man Drives Onto Popular College Football Field, Nearly Strikes Bystander In Hit And Run

It was a chaotic and hectic scene at the University of Colorado. A shirtless man drove onto the football field and almost crashed into a bystander in a hit-and-run.

However, the shirtless man did crash into several vehicles. Ultimately, authorities put a stop to his joyride confronting him on the University of Colorado football field. That certainly seems like a scene from a movie, doesn't it?

Authorities arrested a shirtless 48-year-old Karl E. Haglund. He hit at least two cars as well as trees and signs while driving in his blue pick-up truck. Witnesses saw the crashes and tried to stop the shirtless man from leaving the scene. However, Haglund apparently fled from the scene. He also struck into another car and even more trees.

Authorities pursued after Haglund eventually closing in on him. However, he refused to pull over and evaded the police. His joyride led him to The University of Colorado and its football field. He ended up driving his truck straight through the gate of Folsom Field. He then drove onto the actual Colorado Boulder football field.

Shirtless Man Arrested At Football Field

The truck left tracks on the field as it reached its stopping place between the 30 and 40-yard line. Not quite a touchdown, Haglund. Not quite a touchdown. From there, the shirtless man ended up surrendering to the police.

Authorities warned students about "Heavy police presence at Folsom Field." They urged them to avoid the area. They ended up arresting Haglund after he exited the truck.

As you can imagine, police slapped him with plenty of charges. They include the following: criminal attempt vehicular assault, Reckless endangerment, vehicular eluding, three counts of leaving the scene of a crash after damage, failure to obey traffic control device, driving without insurance, criminal mischief of $100k to $150k, obstruction of a peace officer and trespassing. I got tired just reading all of that.

Fortunately, no one was hurt during the rampage. Likewise, the school is already repairing the damage caused by the truck. Fortunately, there's not home games in the area for a while. So fans won't have to worry until September 21.