Simon Cowell Can't Stand Some of His AGT Finalists
(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

Simon Cowell Can't Stand Some of His 'AGT' Finalists

It's okay, Simon Cowell. Most people hate their jobs sometimes as much as you do.

In fairness, he's been at this for decades. Simple logic suggests that not every season is going to blow your socks off. He's not coddling you either. Instead, he'll tell you upfront if something isn't up to his standard. He's truly seen it all. If you don't come correct, he's going to shrug you off the stage.

Cowell speaks with Captial Breakfast about the judging grind and how not all contestants and seasons are built alike. "There have been years I haven't liked it," he reveals. "After all the auditions, you sit there and you know who the finalists are you're like, 'Oh my God.' And the winner's announced and I'm like, (sarcastic voice) 'Oh, great.' And then I'm off."

Simon Cowell Still Has Plenty of Love for Contestants

As much as you might be used to his trademark sarcasm and scorching criticism, Simon does have plenty of soft spots for contestants. He prefaces his disdain for some contestants by saying he loves this season of America's Got Talent. "The thing is, when you do these shows, everyone always says, 'Yes, it's the best ever' and blah, blah, blah," he explains. "The truth is, you can't fake it, you know, you either like it or you don't and I really really liked it this year.

Moreover, he isn't exactly hiding his adoration for this season either. Simon is already shell-shocked by a recent contestant. Liv Warfield recently came on the show to perform her original song, "Stare." All Cowell could do is collect his jaw off the floor. "Liv, I have a big problem," Cowell starts off. "That wasn't long enough. ... It was like being, in a good way, punched in the face by your energy, the band, all these years of frustration."

Frankly, if that's any indication, I would say we're in for a great season of America's Got Talent.