Slain Miss Switzerland's Finalist's Friend Gave Her Haunting Warning About Husband: "Ticking Time Bomb"
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Slain Miss Switzerland's Finalist's Friend Gave Her Haunting Warning About Husband: "Ticking Time Bomb"

A friend is speaking out after the brutal murder of Miss Switzerland finalist Kristina Joksimovic. They allege they warned her about her husband Marc Rieben.

Authorities have arrested her husband and charged her for her murder after he allegedly strangled and pureed her using a blender. Her father later found her remains in a graphic scene. Speaking with Daily Mail, the friend said that she was surprised by the marriage.

They said, "She was really in love at the beginning, but I was a bit surprised when she got into a relationship with him as he didn't suit her at all. He came across as really introverted, very critical and sometimes quite arrogant."

They continued, "Kristina was married to a killer and had no idea. She left that psychopath home alone with the children. He was really derogatory with her, with gestures, words and even his tone... he wanted Kristina to disappear."

The Miss Switzerland finalist's friend said that they warned her about Marc, calling him "ticking time bomb."

Miss Switzerland Finalist Dies

"If he can do something like this to Kristina, who he loved and is the mother of his own two children out of a hatred for her and an inferiority complex, then what will he do to those of us who told the police about their relationship," the friend warned, worried about their own safety.

According to the friend, Kristina and Marc's relationship went south. She said the Miss Switzerland finalist tried to seek couple counseling with her husband.

The friend said, "She told me that she had to get police once, but wouldn't tell me details about this, only that he was violent and threatened her that if she called the police, he would turn it around on her and she would see what would happen to her then."

However, they said that they were surprised by the murder. They said, "But we, her friends, never thought he would do something like this. In front of us, he was never violent. He was verbally disrespectful to her, but never anything physical. She told us that he started drinking and consuming drugs and she caught him smoking weed in a storage room in their basement twice."

Her friend wished that she saw the signs.

They said, "She was the type of person who didn't want to talk badly about her marriage, so for her to even tell me what she did in the last twelve months, showed me that it was really, really bad. I should have registered it as a call for help, but I didn't. Me and her other friends will always blame ourselves and we will carry this with us forever."