Mica Miller Accused South Carolina Pastor John-Paul Miller Of "Grooming" Her Since She Was 10-Years-Old
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South Carolina Pastor John-Paul Miller Allegedly Appears To Have A Meltdown In Viral Video

It hasn't been an easy few weeks for South Carolina Pastor John-Paul Miller. In the wake of his wife Mica Miller's death, the pastor has contended with rumors and speculation. Now, someone who claims to know the pastor is sharing a video of what appears to allegedly be Miller having a meltdown. They also allege abuse against the pastor.

In a social media post, a local man, Ty Longerbeam,  shared a video of Miller face down into the grass. Miller is shown red in the face and whimpering as a man behind the camera tries to communicate with him.

Longerbeam would go on a lengthy rant in the video's caption, intent on revealing the Solid Rock pastor. Referring to the meltdown in the video, he addresses the church directly, "Solid Rock let me introduce you to your pastor, you don't see this version on Sundays. This is the guy you allow to give you and your family council. This is the guy you give permission to speak into your life, the guy you share personal vulnerable information with that he will USE against YOU when and if you question him. It's time to really take a step back and evaluate what's going on."

Longerbeam blasted the pastor for alleged abuse and manipulation. He continued, "You have USED and ABUSED for wayyy too long, only to get up on that pulpit and consistently discredit your victims by airing out intentional degrading, inappropriate personal information. Doing that allows you to control the narrative. Now we have the death of your wife that you claim only took her life because of mental illness."

Ty Longerbeam Alleges Abuse Against South Carolina Pastor

"So please DON'T mistake this video as a broken man who misses his family. This is a twisted individual using one of his many tactics to manipulate his way back into control," Longerbeam continued. According to internet sleuth Robbie Harvey, this video appears to be several years old. We're not sure what exactly caused the incident, but Harvey speculates that the video actually happened after his ex-wife discovered his affair with Mica. Again, this is speculation at this point.

The video comes as John-Paul continues to receive backlash online and from Mica's family and friends. The pastor's legal team has asked for people to leave him alone, threatening legal action.

They wrote, "It has come to light that Mica Miller struggled with mental illness, specifically bipolar disorder, which, when not properly managed, led to paranoid episodes and self-destructive behavior. Again, Mica suffered from mental illness and some reports made by her in the recent past are nonsensical. This unfortunate reality underscores the importance of destigmatizing mental health issues and ensuring those affected receive appropriate support and treatment. We wish to emphasize that, after a thorough investigation by the Robeson County, North Carolina Sheriff's Office, it has been conclusively determined that Ms. Miller's death was the result of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. This finding completely exonerates Pastor Miller of any wrongdoing. These baseless claimes and false reporting have caused immense disress and harm to Pastor Miller and his family and needs to stop immediately."