Stephanie Alonso (Image via

92-Year-Old Driver Kills 7-Year-Old After Accelerating Instead Of Braking

This is a story about an absolutely gut-wrenching tragedy. A 92-year-old driver in Miami reportedly accidentally stepped on the accelerator in her car instead of the brake. She hit a sweet little 7-year-old girl who subsequently passed away. A young life is gone as it was just beginning. Stephanie Alonso would have celebrated her eighth birthday on September 21. Instead of a cake, gifts, and a party, there will be tears and endless tides of grief.

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The elderly motorist now faces many questions about what happened. Perhaps the most heartbreaking one of all is 'Could this have been avoided?'

What Happened On That Fateful Day When Stephanie Alonso Was Struck By An SUV?

According to, Stephanie was struck by the vehicle outside a pharmacy. The driver of that red Nissan SUV "reportedly told police that her brakes had stopped working." Later, police evidently concluded that the driver accelerated rather than braked. The SUV managed to avoid the girl's mom, but very unfortunately, Stephanie was hit.

Unilad reported that, "Investigators have said that CCTV footage shows that the car appearing to accelerate prior to the crash. Mike Vega, a public information officer for Miami Police, said: 'Instead of pressing the brakes, the 92-year-old accelerates, and we can see that the vehicle accelerates and goes right toward them.'"

The child wasn't beneath the SUV. She was reportedly next to it.

The name of the driver has not been made public at this point. The charges she may face are unclear. According to Mike Vega, "We issued a ticket for careless driving, but we did not issue it to her yet because we have to wait on the outcome of the case."

Stephanie Alonso's Father Is Utterly Heartbroken

He Wonders Why A 92-Year-Old Was Behind The Wheel

Stephanie's dad, Joany Figueredo, is understandably shattered by his daughter's death. It is almost too much to bear. His anger is palpable. He was interviewed by WTVJ about the accident. Via, he said, "She [the driver] hit my daughter, and she hit the wall. She got out of the car and acted like nothing happened."

He also said, "What is happening? Why is a person who is 92 years old driving? There should be an age limit for driving."

A GoFundMe was set up in the youngster's memory. In it, she was said to have been a "bright and joyful little girl."