This 'American Idol' Finalist Just Got Engaged In The Sweetest Way
Photo By Kevin Winter/ImageDirect

This 'American Idol' Finalist Just Got Engaged In The Sweetest Way

Many American Idol contestants have gone on to bigger and better things. Maybe they won, maybe they didn't. Perhaps some developed long-standing trust issues. ...Or their life was significantly worse after being kicked off the show. But we're not here to discuss tragedies. Today, we're talking about one third-place American Idol finalist and the most adorable engagement you've ever seen!

Young Colin Stough was so close. But, in the end, Stough was sent home packing as Iam Tongi went on to win the big one. However, Stough hasn't been doing too badly for himself since then. Notably, he announced his engagement with Mckenzie Rhett on Instagram! The message he displayed to the world regarding the pair's wonderful news? Precious.

"Only God knew that a pretty little angel would end up with a tatted up cowpoke. I love you and this life with you and I can't wait for the miles and the memories we will have to my best friend and my life partner. Let's get married!"

The accompanying collage of photos is adorable, too. Horses, kisses, and middle fingers. The perfect engagement recipe!

Oh, Rhett is no slouch in the fame department, either. She was 2019's Miss Junior Teen Mississippi!

One 'American Idol' Finalist Announces Their Wholesome Engagement

As one can expect, fans were elated for Stough and Rhett!

"Could've done without the middle finger, not exactly the time for that," one Instagram user commented. ...Okay, mostly elated!

"Love this! So sweet. God knew what you needed! So excited for you both, congratulations!" another user said. Now, that's more like it! Come on, they're young! When you were their age, I'm sure you raised many a defiant middle finger!

"Congratulations! To quote Goose's wife in Top Gun, 'There are hearts breaking wide open all over the world tonight!'"

Huh. Admittedly, that last one made me feel something. Struck me in my cold, apathetic Chaos Goblin heart. It was more thoughtful than the standard social media fare, for sure. But, congratulations, Stough and Rhett! Here's to the beginning of a wonderful adventure and many successes on the road to happiness!