This 'The Voice' Finalist Is Struggling To Book Gigs I’ve Got Like Five Emails Back
Photo By Kevin Winter/Getty Images

This 'The Voice' Finalist Is Struggling To Book Gigs: "I’ve Got Like Five Emails Back"

The Voice giveth, The Voice... well, "taketh away" isn't quite accurate, but one Season 24 finalist has been having a hard time since appearing on the show. I'll eventually offer what I hope is insightful commentary as to why I believe this happens. But for now, let's dig into it!

Season 24 of The Voice was ultimately conquered by Michael Huntley (or just "Huntley" if you're nasty). He seems to be doing... fine! He's booking gigs and building himself up for better things this year.  But there's someone who came close to snatching the spotlight who hasn't quite had similar good luck since the season ended: Jacquie Roar.

Jacquie Roar ended her run on The Voice in the Top 5, coming in 4th place. And, if you go by fan comments around that time, she was a captivating performer! But, unfortunately, all her natural talent hasn't led to the opportunities she was hoping for.

Per Portland Tribune, Roar talked about her post-Voice endeavors at length! "I was thinking more people in the industry would come to me, email me, contact me," Roar said. "I can't get anybody outside of Oregon to book a gig. I've contacted hundreds of people and I've got like five emails back. Texas has not responded to me, not one place."

One Of 'The Voice's Finalists Is Having A Hard Time Finding Her Creative Stride

Roar did perform at CMA Fest, which is no small feat. However, there's a worrying factor that could be responsible for Roar's struggles: oversaturation. That has nothing to do with Roar herself and everything to do with The Voice -- and other artistic industries that suffer from having too many featured talents.

The Voice has a new season (and a new batch of talents) twice a year. In each season, there are roughly 50-ish contestants. Between two seasons, that's around 100 aspiring singers -- not to mention the 24 who make up the Top 12 in those two seasons.

There's not enough room for everyone. Not for everyone to thrive, anyway. The fact that The Voice airs two seasons a year further guarantees one person -- regardless of how good they are -- will get drowned out as everyone moves on to the "next big thing."

At least go back to a one-season-a-year format, The Voice. You're strangling the artists you're supposed to be nurturing.