TikTok Star Grieves The Loss Of His Newborn Daughter
Photos By Instagram/totouchanemu and TikTok/totouchanemu

TikTok Star Grieves The Loss Of His Newborn Daughter: 'I Don’t Wish This On Anybody'

TikTok star, David Allen, experienced one of the most horrible events that could befall a parent. His daughter, Lily Grace Allen, was born on June 21. Unfortunately, a little over a month later on July 27, Lily passed away. In a heartbreaking video David posted on his TikTok account, he talks about how much Lily meant to him in such a short period of time.

"I have cried every tear I can possibly cry, I think. It's not easy. I don't wish this on anybody," the video begins. "I don't even know what to say. I've waited a week to even mention it because I didn't know how to talk about it. So, yeah, I don't really know what else to say. I just wanted to get it out there, I guess."

According to Allen, a memorial will be held for Lily in Texas. Her cause of death, understandably, isn't public knowledge. Across social media, people flocked to offer their condolences and support for Allen and his wife.

"Sending all my love and strength to you and your family during this heartbreaking time. Hugs to you all," one TikTok user said.

TikTok Star, David Allen, Mourns The Passing Of His Newborn Daughter

Some people even relayed their own tragic experiences of child loss, deeply understanding Allen's pain. "I know your pain. Lost my daughter at 2 weeks old and then my son was diagnosed with leukemia at 3 years old. this is truly a test of love for each other. stay strong and be each other's rock."

"So sorry for your loss. Our daughter would have been a teenager now. There are no words I can say that will help, all I will say is you are not alone," another user chimes in. In the wake of something so unimaginably terrible, it's encouraging to see a community rally behind a content creator in their time of need. The world needs more of that, honestly. Hopefully, David and his wife are given the proper space to grieve and come to terms with their loss.

"My precious baby girl Chloe is dancing in the stars with your sweet Lily Grace. She died last March. So much love to your family. She's forever loved."