Two Brothers In Their 20s Learn They Have Rare Form Of Dementia That Will Kill Them
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Two Brothers In Their 20s Learn They Have Rare Form Of Dementia That Will Kill Them

Two brothers had to watch as their mother slowly succumbed to and eventually died from a rare form of dementia in her 40s. Now, they learned they will develop the same dementia themselves.

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Jordan and Cian Adams said that doctors misdiagnosed their mother with depression. However, they eventually told her she had early-onset Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). It's the same disease that Bruce Willis suffers from.

Ultimately, their mother ended up dying at just 52 years old. Jordan wrote, "After months of back and forth with different GPs and consultants, an incorrect diagnoses of depression, different mental health issues including a silent stroke, our mom was eventually told that she had 'early-onset' Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) on the 23rd June 2010, and it was later that evening that our dad had to break the news to us that mom was terminally ill and that her health was going to deteriorate over a 6-10-year period."

Two Brothers Will Develop Dementia

However, their dad wouldn't tell the two brothers and their sister that it was hereditary until later. All three siblings had a 50 percent chance of inheriting the dementia. While their sister didn't get the condition, sadly both brothers test positive for the disease.

Brother brothers discovered they would develop dementia within five years of each other. The JustGiving page continues, "Both brothers will have to live with FTD in their lifetime, most likely becoming symptomatic in their early 40s and losing their lives within 10 years of diagnosis."

The two brothers decided to embrace living and try to raise money and awareness about the disorder.

In a post to Facebook, Jordan wrote: "We each have experienced depths of depression, growing anxiety & the overflowing anger of injustice. Why us? [...] But instead of wallowing in self pity. Cian like me, made the decision that day to turn that pain into power and I could not be more proud of how he has responded."

"Together, we are turning that nightmare hand life dealt us into a dream to raise 1 Million Pounds towards research that we hope will find a cure and put a stop to families all over the world having to go through what we have endured.

"So here we are 18 months on from life kicking us in the bollocks again, saying we're still standing. We carried the boats. They don't know me son. Best of all.... we're just getting started."