Two Long-Lost Friends Reconnect After 20 Years Due To An Uber Ride
Photo By TikTok/danny.b106

Two Long-Lost Friends Reconnect After 20 Years Due To An Uber Ride

Finally, some wholesome news! Over on TikTok, Danny (or "danny.b106" if you only comprehend online handles) decided to get to work. He needs money, and Uber is a good way to make some coin. Danny picks a guy up, like any other day as an Uber driver, and they make the requisite small talk.

After a bit of back-and-forth, something clicks with his passenger. "...What's your name?" the passenger asks. "My name's Danny," our protagonist answers. "...I think I know you. You don't know me?"

Danny turns, looking at the passenger. After a few seconds, recognition. Joy. Cheering. "Man, he— yeah! John?!"

John and Danny, after 20+ years, have finally been reunited.


When you’re driving Uber, pick up a passenger, and realize its an old friend you aint seen in 20+ years #uber #uberdriver

♬ original sound - danny.b106

"When you're driving Uber, pick up a passenger, and realize its an old friend you aint seen in 20+ years," Danny captioned the video he'd post on TikTok, proudly displaying 2024's feel-good interaction of the year! Oh, but the story doesn't end there!

Because guess who happened to find Danny's video? John himself. "Danny you see this!!? WOW! LETS DO MORE," John commented.

"THIS THE OG JOHN ROGHT HERE!!! Right on!!! We're TikTok famous Bro! Who woulda thunk it? What a great response I wasn't expecting," Danny responds. D'aww, how touching! The world needs more genuine glimmers of true friendship! It's what Disney taught a whole generation or two, after all! Well, that and how to carry unrealistic expectations of love and romantic relationships! TikTok may have only worsened that, to be honest.

An Uber Driver And His Passenger Win 'Wholesome Moment Of The Year' On TikTok

Now, you know the commenters loved it. They better, anyway!

"I need to see them hanging out after this," one TikTok user commented. I agree! Give these two guys their own show! Or podcast!

"Right! He's actually kinda quiet and keeps to himself...I'm looking forward to having a beer, puttin somethin in the air, and showing him the positive reactions to this," Danny responded, dishing more details about his buddy, John.

"The instant code switch from professional talk to just talking with ur boys," another user added. We all have our "professional voice" and our "casual voice," okay? Truthfully, Danny is incredibly professional for an Uber driver. We've all seen those kinds of videos.