US Veterans Skydive for Fallen Troops in All 7 Continents
(Credit: Fox News)

U.S. Veterans Skydive for Fallen Troops in All 7 Continents

People honor their troops on Memorial Day in a variety of different ways. Some light up the grill and remember them as they enjoy the freedoms the US military fights to protect. Some go above and beyond and hold certain rituals from him, watching events that honor the fallen directly. Others even make arrangements to attend these eulogies. These veterans took a step even beyond your usual celebrations.

Former Navy Seal Mike Saraille recently went on Fox News to speak with Brian Kilmeade on how he chose to honor the fallen soldiers over the years. Mike and nine other special ops veterans embarked on a journey in 2023, skydiving in each continent in a week. "[We] constantly remember that the people we were jumping for gave up their today and every one of their tomorrows, so we could be doing stuff like this," their trailer echoes.

Why Did The Veterans Skydive For The Troops?

Before diving into the logistics and the reasoning behind this journey, Saraille emphasizes how this is meant to inspire the people in this country. "In special operations, we try to find the hardest things that people say is impossible," he explains. "Don't tell the American fighting man or woman that something can't be done. We'll prove you wrong."

These veterans seek to do the seemingly impossible. Additionally, he explains the importance of telling the stories of fallen troops while doing it. Moreover, Mike reveals who he jumped for in their expedition. "I jumped for Michael Monsoor, who was posthumously awarded the medal of honor," he details. "He jumped over a grenade 3 feet from me, as well as another seal, to save our lives."

The most important lesson we glean from Saraille is learning how to overcome the feeling of leaving them behind. "There is a bit of survivor's guilt when you come back from something like that," he continues. "It still lingers. But at some point, that has to turn into living in their memory. That's exactly what this trip is about."

Ultimately, these troops inspire something that goes beyond military service. If we love someone we've lost in our lives, we would do them a disservice not to live fully in their memory. Furthermore, we will be able to actively remember them and come to terms with our grief.

If you want to support Mike and the vets who joined him on this mission, you can watch their film, 'Triple 7' in theaters until July. In addition, a portion of the proceeds from tickets go to the Folds of Honor Foundation. This provides scholarships for military members and first responders.