‘Wheel of Fortune’ Audience Turns On A Contestant After Flubbing A Difficult Puzzle
Photo By ABC

‘Wheel of Fortune’ Audience Turns On A Contestant After Flubbing A Difficult Puzzle

Go on, try to guess it. I'd say I'm decent at trivia/word games, and even I was stumped trying to figure this out. Wheel of Fortune is a show you either actively love and seek out, or it's the perfect "Well, there's nothing else on" show to pass the time. On the show's most recent episode, this poor man fumbled a potential Infiniti when he couldn't solve the puzzle. That's bad enough! But you know what's worse than realizing you lost out on a luxury car? Getting booed by the live audience when you fail. 

Quibbling. Without using Google, what does "Quibbling" mean? When was the last time you saw or heard that word? I don't know if this man gave everyone the middle finger off-camera beforehand, but it's rare when an audience audibly boos a contestant on a game show. Sympathetic "Awws"? Yes. Gasps? You betcha. But getting jeered for not correctly guessing an insanely hard puzzle like that is something else.

"Who asked you?" Pat Sajak is a champ for calling the audience out. We could go over some of the YouTube comments, but let's pivot over to the other major Wheel of Fortune controversy while we're here!

'Wheel of Fortune' Has The Most Chaotic Week In The Show's History

You've probably already seen the clip circulating online. You know what this is.

Absolute comedy gold. Seems like it could've been a scene in Curb Your Enthusiasm. The excitement when he answered. The lingering silence before Sajak says, "...No." Like, why would that enter your mind as being a remote possibility?! Come on, man. Pat Sajak didn't deserve this. He's retiring in two weeks. Or maybe this brand of nonsense is exactly the note he wants to leave on!

The moment is prime chaos bait. Where there's chaos, there's me.

He saw his shot. His whole life had been building to go on Wheel of Fortune and have that be the answer. He shoots! ...The ball may as well smack an innocent bystander in the head -- nowhere near the hoop.

If Steve Harvey is good for nothing else, he's incredible at reacting to people when they say silly answers on a game show. Ah, if only. But, hey, at least we'll remember this as a beautiful snapshot at the end of Pat Sajak's storied Wheel of Fortune career!