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Wife of Rodeo Star Spencer Wright Gives Devastating Health Update on Son

After their son finally woke up from a traumatic accident, the Wright family gives a little clarity on what's happening the last 24 hours.

Kallie, wife of Rodeo star Spencer Wright, took to Facebook to dive into further detail on her son Levi's current condition. Although her baby boy is awake, it does not mean that he is fully functional at that moment. "Just to clarify, Levi waking up doesn't mean he's fully coherent or talking or anything like that," she writes.

It's just the little things so far. It definitely suggests there is some cognitive function so far, much more encouraging than when doctors previously thought he was braindead. Kallie continues, "Just that he opened his eyes for a period of time, wiggled with purpose and less like just a reflex as before. Spencer and I felt like he knew we were there and could hear us... He actually woke up during us talking to one of the doctors about his love of excavators and tractors!"

When the results of the MRI eventually came back, it left Levi's condition up in the air. The family is still hopeful of what's to come on their long journey, searching for the best neurologists around. "The MRI wasn't good, we're shattered but it is just images that suggest a certain quality of life," she writes in another Facebook post. "I'm working on getting any and all neurologists or other educated professionals with expertise in this area who are willing to view his MRI. Then just seeing what my strong boys does in the next few days."

What Happened to Levi Wright?

These updates come after the 3-year old boy drove his toy tractor into a Utah river. A rescue crew desperately did what they could to save Levi, transporting him to a local hospital. There was initial fear that they might've been too late. "Levi's heart is beating on its own, he has a will to breathe but his sweet little brain was without oxygen too long and there is no coming back from that," a spokesperson for the family said. Only time will tell how young Levi recovers from the brain trauma.